Ch Ch Changes...
So alots been happening in the last couple of weeks. First the major life turning event; I no longer work for Gamestop. I made a mistake handling of cash in attempts to find a thief and got let go. I honestly think I did it just to get fired. I was so unhappy there. I thought there was that silver lining at the end once I got my new store, but honestly now I'm not too sure it was ever there. Anyway with the loss of a job always comes change, and this time I'm taking it to my advantage. Steph and I have decided it to be best that I go back to school and get my degrees finished up.
So....We're going to move back into the inlaws house, we figure we did the living on our own thing, proved we could do it, got the things we needed now its time to invest in our future. Without a $1300 a month rent bill we'll be able to put money away. Plus since I got fired, I get unemployment. Thats right folks, stick it to the man.
So now I will be finishing up my degree from moorpark college, then I will be transfering to CSUN to get my bachelors and possibly my masters. We'll see how long the later takes.
magic out