Holy Crap, I forgot about this thing...

So what its been like 3 months right? So we can tell i'm a huge blogger. Not like some friends who blogg daily or every other day. So here's whats going down in Shaun-town.
Got a new laptop, sony vaio, thx jeff. It rocks, dual core 2, 2 gigs of ram, 160 gig hd, vista. Ya know the freaking works.
School is piddling along pretty smoothly, i really should start punching it in over drive for finance. I swear i'll take an entire day and lock myself in a room and do like 5-10 chapters.
So like many others I'm being entertained by Guitar Hero 2 for xbox 360. I just now finished 5 starring all of easy mode. Unlocked a USA guitar and got some achievement points. I've waited so long for this damn game. I almost broke down and bought the ps2 version, however when i heard the 360 would have downloadable content...thats what made me wait. GH2 has some great tracks, and the 360 version even has Pearl Jam on it. But can you imagine the downloads that COULD be possible. Think about it, how bad ass would it be for a Tenacious D download pack!?!?! OMG I think i'd spludge right there. Or how about a metal band pack. The possibilities are endless. I really could care less about how much i pay for them, i just want this game to never end. Fuck new versions, just release new songs. And try to actually get the artist versions, if you havent heard Heart Shaped Box consider yourself lucky. The Cobain-imitation is terrible. But its part of the game so who gives shit.
Ok so I'm going to check out the songs for medium, i'm kinda worried about that blue key, i'm trying not to think about the orange one. I guess my pinky is gonna need to get a little stronger.
Lead Guitarist of "Irish Death"
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