X-mas Time!
So I finally get some free time, this past week and
a half has been rather busy.
Sam got her boobies, Missy and Sakura came and
x-mas showed up. So I see on every freaking blog
around people saying what they got...so I'll list some
of my top presents
1. My dad sent a big check...yes very big
2. A Nintendo Wii (With dads big check)
3. Rainbow 6 Vegas for 360 (Thanks babe!)
4. Clerks 2 Mooby Gift Set (Thanks babe!)
5. Gift cards, Best Buy & Visa
6. Used the Visa card to get Zelda for Wii
7. Nuts, lots of nuts.
8. Amped 360 (T-bagg roxorz)
So with that we're steadily heading into the new year. I start up at CSUN aka SeaSun near the end of January. Missy brought me some more plum sake (mmm) and I cant wait to consume it. Hope everyone had a rockin holiday.