Back to school
HAHAH. Thats right nagas. Its that time of year again. No its not the harvesting of souls for intergalactic mating between russian monkeys and xenovian tree humpers. Its back to school time. FUCK! Yes. FUCK!. But you know what that also means. I have to kill time at school, and the only place I can hide from the suns deadly rays is in the basment of the library. 100+ dell computers sit under floresent love, just waiting for me to touch their naughty little keys.
So...whats new this year. Classes are meh. yep, i said it meh. Oooh. Get this, go to library and type in You wont get it. You get the website. HAHAHA. THEY BLOCKED IT. All you little bleach blonde, tan, ambercrombie wearing, bmw driving, mommy and daddy trustfund having, ignorant, mindless, sheep who wander thru life wondering whether they should get another starbucks or Jamba cant access your lifeline to the interweb at school anymore. (Sami, you're excluded from this cuz yer cool and lack all the requirements.) You sheep will have to wait till you get home and sign on to your AOLs or your internet phones to see if *Insert Random Gay/EMO/HOMO Band* accepted your friend request. Or if your best girlfriend from school left you a comment with a picture of a cute animal or some ghetto rap referenced pic with sparklies all over it saying "Have a nice day". I'm gonna make my own, one that says "Dont burn yourself on the crack pipe HO!" and make it nice and ghetto sparkly.
So I walk around campus scoping out the sniper victims if my mind ever does truely snap. I notice alot of guys these days wearing shorts. Now shorts arent bad, i wear them, hell i practically live in them. They're cargo shorts, kaki, or green, or blue. But what the FUCK are these guys wearing these shorts that look like dress slacks, chopped at the knee. THEY HAVE FUCKING PINSTRIPES!?!?! Why are you wearing 1/4 of a zoot suit to school? You dont look cool. And your etnies, or whatever the fuck shoe you're wearing looks ridiculous with them. My god, you could line up 75% of the girls here, and color sort them and they'd all be the same thing. Its really quite sad. And like 5% of them are the scary type. Ya know. Black combat boots, sweat pants, band t-shirts. The kind even I wouldnt want to meet in a dark alley, and i'm fucking 6'4" ladies. And my shoe size is 13. You all know what that means right....big shoes.
Anyway...i was playing on, and low and behold we have a celebrity who teaches at my school:
Yes. The last comment is mine, i had to add something since he is freaking awesome.
Anyway, that killed about 30 minutes so I'm gonna go try to kill 30 more. Anyone have a sniper rifle?