Introducing....Captain Shaun's Madam Von Murphy!
WOOOHOOO. Guess what I got.!?!?!?! A PUPPY! Yep. My first puppy ever. Steph suprised me the other day by saying she wanted to buy me a puppy for x-mas. But since x-mas is so far away and she wanted me to be in on the decision she told me to start looking now. At first the idea was an English Bulldog. Yeah davey boy smith style from WWF. But the problem is...they fucking $2000. yeah right. So we started looking for other posibilities. Nothing jumped off the page at me until we found a beagle place. OMG. Cutest little things ever. So after a couple days of waiting, we had our puppy. Her name is Captain Shaun's Madam Von Murphy. Woohoo. She rocks. She's 9 weeks old today. We got her last week on thursday, and she is the sweetest thing ever. I never had a puppy before, always cats. Not that they're bad (cats), but puppies take alot of work.(as i'm finding). She's got a pretty good schedule of waking me up at 5am and again at 7:30 to go potty. Yeah super, you know i love sleep.
And now for the gratuitus puppy pictures