Pics from trip
Ok I dumped the pics from my phone and these are the few that are salvagable and worth posting.

Ok so the Japanese get the traditional PSP and the Ceramic White one. We get gay ass black. We already knew this. This is the display at the japanese Toys R Us I went to.

So not like i'm a huge ps2 fan, but the fucking have a white one of those too! I dont really care much for ps2 as a system, but god damn give the US a little break here and hook up our fanboys with Colors

The very small xbox 360 display. I bought the first 3 faceplates, the blue, orange and the pink. They rock. I however did not buy them from TRU they were way too expensive. I got each for 1000 yen at Chameleon Club. 1000 yen is like $9. So total was less than importing one. YAY I win.

Ok so this is my favorite sign i saw. It was outside the Taito Amusement Center.
I will try to decifer each of the pictures.
Reading Like a book:
1. something about 16-18 (i'm thinking ages or time)
2. something about 18-20 (i'm thinking ages or time)
3. something about school uniforms. Boys look like Jet Li in their uniforms
4. Please hold onto your purses (easy enough)
5. Parents watch your children while you play pachenko/slots
6. No Kung Fu Fighting other people. Seriously, is this a real problem?
7. No smoking
8. No being drunk
9. No Kung Fu Fighting your Arcade Machines!!
10. No exchanging your bunnies for bears.
More to come later.
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