Mental Mindfield

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Back in Black

Okay so, I've been away for a few days. I just havent had time to post. Work is as hektik as ever, today I got a lovely visit from my LP (Loss Prevention) Guy. Yeah tons of fun. Ya know what sucked, the VMA's. They were flat out gay. First off, and yes I got reminded every 20 seconds thanks to Steph...There was no host. What the fuck, where's the host? Shouldnt some has-been comedian or some actor be up there telling jokes about J-Lo's ass or Eminem and X-Tina. So no host...second, the stages sucked balls. 3 random stages with a bunch of south beach mo's standing around trying to dance to hip hop. And that brings me to my biggest complaint of the night...since when did MTV become BET. I mean hell, I like rap about as much as the next white guy, but hey, maybe we could schedule some ROCK performers. I'm not talking about the gay ass 3 minute rock trio of JET, Yellowcard and Hoobastank. And dear god if you missed Hoobastanks perfomance you were saved from the worst rendition of "The Reason" EVER! They each played maybe 60 seconds of their "hit" (I used that term loosely) and then the next band went on. That was it, the rest was a bunch of used up rappers, or no bodies trying to make it big. Where's the big bands, wheres the GNR, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, KISS,...hell i'd even settle for that fucking limp bizkit reunion they've been talking about.

And what a waste of Dave Chapelles talent. Why not use him as host, or actually have him do some comedy. Instead he stands around and talks for 20 seconds and thats it. FUCK that shit, where's my Rick James, Wheres Prince? FEW, now I feel better. I just cant believe MTV would insult our intelligence this way.



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